Male Procedures

Male Breast Reductions
Men suffering from gynecomastia will often require male breast reduction. Gynecomastia is a condition where a male has over-developed fatty or glandular tissue in the breast area. Along with body issues and insecurities, this condition can sometimes cause physical pain. Gynecomastia can be caused by genetics, obesity, certain medications, decreased testosterone, increased estrogen, drug use, and more. Exercise and a proper diet will not eliminate this condition. Medical approaches can be effective, but when they don’t work, a male breast reduction may be recommended. Male breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, begins with the administration of local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia. The next step will depend on the composition of the over-developed tissue. If you have a lot of fatty tissue, only liposuction may be needed. If you have a lot of glandular tissue, only excision may be required. If you have both, Dr. Berhane will typically employ a combination of these procedures. For more information regarding male breast reductions, call Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery today.

Male Body Implants
When working out just isn’t helping shape your muscles the way you want, male body implants are an effective alternative. Body implants can add muscle definition to certain areas of the body while making those areas more proportional. Whether you’re seeking to add volume, bulk, or muscle tone, body implants can help you reach your desired look. Body implants have minimal risk of rupture or leakage. Solid silicone body implants are shaped and sized to appropriately augment the patient and help them meet their cosmetic goals while simulating the feeling of muscle. Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery offers male pectoral implants, bicep and tricep implants, buttock implants, and calf implants. Implant-based body augmentation procedures can take anywhere from 45 minutes to two and a half hours, depending on implant size and location. To learn more about male body implants, contact our office and arrange a consultation with Dr. Berhane.
Choose Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery
At Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery, we provide high-quality plastic surgery to males in the Atlanta, GA area seeking breast reductions or body implants. We want you to look in the mirror and feel comfortable in your own skin. Dr. Berhane is a sought-out plastic surgeon whose artistic abilities and technical aptitude produce flawless results. Through his extensive training and vast experience, Dr. Berhane has perfected his surgical skills. He specializes in helping patients obtain natural, tailor-made enhancements that give them the self-confidence they crave. If you think a breast reduction or body implants might be for you, call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Berhane.
Request Consultation
A $100 fee is required when booking a consultation. If you proceed with the procedure, it will be applied to the total cost.