Body Procedures

Arm Lift
If you’re experiencing body image issues or discomfort with clothing because of excess skin hanging from your upper arms, an arm lift may be right for you. An arm lift can reshape the arms, adding muscle tone and making the skin tighter and smoother. To remove excess skin, you’ll need arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty. The arm lift procedure can take as little as an hour or up to four hours, depending on the amount of tissue being removed.

Body Implants
Body implants can add muscle definition to specific areas of the body, ensuring that these areas become more proportional to others. Whether your goal is to add volume, bulk, or muscle tone, body implants can do the trick. Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery offers male pectoral implants, bicep and tricep implants, buttock implants, and calf implants. Body implant procedures can take anywhere from 45 minutes to two and a half hours, depending on implant size and location.
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Body Lift
A body lift tightens the figure by surgically removing excess skin. Each person’s body lift is tailored to suit their unique body type and personal goals. At Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, GA, we offer a wide variety of body procedures to help enhance your look and your confidence. Through plastic surgery, there is nothing the body cannot achieve. If you’re looking to remove excess fat from your body, we can help.

Brazilian Butt Lift
Buttock contouring, or a Brazilian butt lift, can give you the curvaceous, firm rear end you’ve always wanted. If you feel your buttocks is too flat and in need of some extra volume, a Brazilian butt lift procedure can provide you with the results you’ve been looking for – a more desirable rear end with volume that looks and feels natural. The key part of any buttock contouring procedure is a fat transfer technique, where fat is moved from one part of your body into your buttock to create better overall proportions.

Body implants can add muscle definition to specific areas of the body, ensuring that these areas become more proportional to others. Whether your goal is to add volume, bulk, or muscle tone, body implants can do the trick. Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery offers male pectoral implants, bicep and tricep implants, buttock implants, and calf implants. Body implant procedures can take anywhere from 45 minutes to two and a half hours, depending on implant size and location.

“Mommy Makeover”
A “mommy makeover” is a package of cosmetic procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation, labiaplasty, and more. We offer “mommy makeovers” for mothers who want to start feeling good about their looks again after childbirth. As rewarding as childbirth can be, its effects on the look and shape of the body can cause self-consciousness and body image issues. Discuss your aesthetic goals with Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery.

Post-bariatric surgery, or weight-loss surgery, is necessary when an exercise regimen paired with a nutritious diet is not enough to take off that extra weight, especially if you are experiencing health issues as a result. Post-bariatric surgery body contouring is an important part of weight-loss surgery, once your new weight has stabilized. When a large amount of weight is lost, skin will not shrink down to fit the new body contours, making the only effective solution post-bariatric surgery body contouring.

Thigh Lift
If your problem area is your thighs, a thigh lift may be right for you. Regardless of exercise and dieting, drooping skin on your thighs may never return to its natural state without surgery. Only a thigh lift can make this sagging skin tight again. After this procedure, patients can expect smoother, tighter skin, and better-proportioned contours. Call Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery today to learn more.

Tummy Tuck
If you’ve gone through pregnancy or experienced dramatic weight loss, a tummy tuck can help tone, tighten, and reshape the abdomen. A tummy tuck, or an abdominoplasty, can remove excess skin from the abdomen while tightening the overall appearance of the stomach. Several different kinds of tummy tucks are available, but the one that’s right for you will depend on your specific goals and body type.
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Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the external female genitalia while improving some of its functions. Vaginal rejuvenation is accomplished by decreasing the vaginal diameter, effectively enhancing the tautness and tightness of the vaginal walls and opening. Compromised vaginal walls could interfere with sexual relations between women and their partners. For more information about vaginal rejuvenation, call Tailor Made Looks Institute of Plastic Surgery today.
Request Consultation
A $100 fee is required when booking a consultation. If you proceed with the procedure, it will be applied to the total cost.